<ul class="no-bullet">
    <li>List item with no bullet and a much longer description or more content.</li>
    <li>List item with no bullet.</li>
    <li>List item with no bullet.
            <li>Nested list item.</li>
            <li>Nested list item.</li>
            <li>Nested list item.</li>
    <li>List item with no bullet.</li>
    <li>List item with no bullet and a much longer description or more content.</li>
    <li>List item with no bullet.</li>
<ul class="{{modifier}}">
  "long-text": "List item with no bullet and a much longer description or more content.",
  "short-text": "List item with no bullet.",
  "nested-text": "Nested list item.",
  "modifier": "no-bullet"

There are no notes for this item.